We know that some antivirus programs and firewalls alert you that there might be something wrong with sroclient.exe or replacer.exe.
Unfortunately, we have still not succeeded in getting rid of those virus alert messages. But we assure you that we have absolutely no intention to do any harm to your computer or personal data. However, the use of our files and services is up to you and we cannot be held responsible for anything.
We are aware that there are still some bugs and glitches that need fixing. We are doing our best to address those issues as soon as possible. Before submitting a ticket, please check for all the known bugs at the bottom of this page. If the bug is already listed there, please do not submit a ticket as this would unnecessarily increase our workload.
Please visit our 'GUIDES' section in the top right corner and see if you can find an answer there! If not, we probably don't want you to know where to get the item just yet.
If you encounter a problem, we do our very best to try to help you. If you cannot resolve the problem yourself, please create a ticket in our ticket system and we will take care of it as soon as possible! You may only open one ticket at a time and any abuse of our ticket system, e.g., flooding, insults or other offensive behaviour will result in a penalty.
There's loads of ways of how you can support us! First an foremost: just remember that it's a game you're playing and not real life, so don't take things too seriously. If you want to support us, be a good and kind person! Also, you can always donate to us and receive Silk as a reward! Once we get our voting system to work, you can also support us by voting for us daily.